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3 Tips for a Healthy Morning

Get a jump start on the day with these 3 tips for a healthy morning, plus 3 quick breakfast ideas using Great Grains® cereal! 

Great Grains Cereal

Hello Nutrition Adventurers 🙂 I hope the holiday weekend was fabulous for everyone and you’re enjoying a short work week!

With the start of the school year, many of us are experiencing a shift in our morning routine. What are mornings like at your house? Do you and your kids make time for a healthy, balanced breakfast before heading out the door?

If you’re looking to have a healthier start to the morning, keep reading for my 3 tips for a healthier morning and a short video with 3 quick breakfast ideas with Great Grains® cereal.

3 Tips for a Healthy Morning

  1. Take a moment to stretch –> After a night’s sleep, it’s good to stretch our muscles to help get blood flowing and send energy through your body. Try any of these yoga stretches to get the morning started.
  2. Drink a glass of water –> Staying properly hydrated from day to day is important for so many reasons (including mental clarity, metabolism, kidney function, etc.) so do your body a favor and jump start the day with at least an 8-ounce glass of H2O.
  3. Eat breakfast –> a nutritious, balanced breakfast will give you the energy needed to start your day!

According to the Food Research & Action Center, kids who do not eat breakfast are “less able to differentiate among visual images, show increased errors, and have slower memory recall”. And the same can be true for adults who skip breakfast. That’s why they say “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”.

[bctt tweet=”AD: Learn about the importance of #breakfast for #kids + 3 quick breakfast ideas @PostCereals” username=”KarmanRD”]

3 Quick Breakfast Ideas

A nutritious breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated. In this short video, 3 Quick Breakfast Ideas with Great Grains®, you’ll see just how easy it can be to take breakfast from good to GREAT! Then be sure to grab a coupon so you can try Great Grains®.

Each of the breakfast ideas in this video offers a balance of whole grains, protein, and healthy fats to keep you feeling satisfied throughout the morning. With 5-7 grams of fiber per serving, Great Grains® cereal is an excellent source of fiber.

Have you tried any of the Great Grains® flavors? There are four varieties to choose from and I really enjoyed the Crunchy Pecans and Cranberry Almond Crunch! If possible, take some time on the weekend to plan a weeks worth of breakfast ideas and stock up on ingredients you’ll need. Right now, you can stock up and save on Great Grains® cereal with this coupon.

[bctt tweet=”AD: 3 tips for a healthy morning + 3 quick #breakfast ideas using Great Grains cereal! @PostCereals” username=”KarmanRD”]

I hope this has been a helpful post and you’re looking forward to starting a healthy morning routine tomorrow! For more information about Great Grains®, visit their website or follow them on Facebook, @GreatGrains. If you downloaded the coupon, let me know which varieties you plan on trying first!

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