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{Breakfast Inspiration} Fried Egg, Avocado & Salsa on Toast

One of my favorite coffee shops in Nashville is the Frothy Monkey on 12 South. I could spend an entire day there, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in-between snacks (while working on very important things, of course!).

My go-to breakfast selection is the California–fried eggs on sourdough toast with avocado, sprouts, and salsa on the side. I use to be one of those people who thought salsa should never be for adorning your eggs. But when you have the avocado, the runny egg yolk (this is key!), and the slightly toasted bread, salsa is the perfect addition. But don’t use jarred salsa–ever. If you don’t want to make salsa at home, you can find great salsa in the refrigerated section of the grocery store and these often taste much, MUCH better than what you will find in a jar. One of my favorite brands is from Garden Fresh Gourmet Jack’s Special Salsa.

california breakfast

runny egg

I make this quite often at home because it’s such a satisfying breakfast and so easy to put together. I use Ezekiel Sprouted Grain bread because I love the texture, the health benefits, and because it holds up so well under all goods that go on top. Plus you get the lycopene from the tomatoes in the salsa, potassium and folate from the avocado, and protein from the egg and the bread.

{Breakfast Inspiration} Fried Egg, Avocado & Salsa on Toast

Yield: 1 serving


1 slice Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain bread, toasted

5 slices of avocado

1 large egg

Alfalfa Sprouts


1. Coat a small skillet with cooking spray and set on high heat. Once pan is hot, add egg and cook to an over-easy state (once you flip the egg, you can turn the heat to medium to prevent over-cooking the yolk).
2. Place avocado slices on bread and mash slightly so there is an even coating of avocado. Add sprouts to your liking. Top with fried egg, then add salsa.



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