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Coconut-Lime Body Scrub

Who’s ready for the sight of spring? I’m looking forward to more daylight, warmer days, and the flavors of spring produce. Asparagus, I’m talking about you.

It will take some patience because spring is still a ways away, so in the meantime I’m lifting my spirits with this tropical, feel-good body scrub made with just four ingredients. It’s so easy to make body scrubs at home and if you’re looking for a creative DIY gift to give, this is it.

Coconut-Lime Body Scrub

Not only does this body scrub smell great, it also does a world of wonders for your skin by scrubbing away dead skin cells. Skin is the body’s largest organ and plays a key role in detoxification, so we must treat it well and allow it to breathe and regenerate. By exfoliating once a week, skin will be less dry and more radiant. When spring rolls around, you’ll be glowing! I shared this recipe with a client who suffered with eczema and within a month things we’re starting to clear up!

Coconut-Lime Body Scrub

I inevitably think of this song when make this scrub or talk about it, which makes me love it even more. You can crank up this tune and make the body scrub before the song even ends. Here’s what you’ll need:

Coconut-Lime Body Scrub

Combine all of the ingredients together in a bowl and mix until coconut oil has been absorbed by the brown sugar. Spoon the scrub into a container with a lid and keep in the shower.

Have you tried DIY body scrubs? Would you like to see more homemade beauty products on The Nutrition Adventure? Let me know! 

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