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Healthy, Happy New Year!

With 2012 quickly approaching, people are thinking about resolutions for the new year. I know a few people who are choosing the ever-so-popular “lose weight, eat healthier” resolution and trying to get in all of their favorite “bad foods” before the clock strikes midnight tonight.

But as we all know, people have a difficult time holding strong to their New Year’s resolutions, and I blame the practicality of these pledges. No fried foods, no soda, no more fast food, no more candy, (insert other common diet-related prohibitions). First off, people typically don’t do well going cold turkey with anything, and the foods previously mentioned can often have an addictive quality, making it even more of a challenge. And secondly, people often fail to make a realistic plan to help them achieve their resolution. So if you are truly ready to make a healthy lifestyle change, be prepared to face the challenge with a practical plan for yourself.

Keep this acronym in mind when coming up with your plan:
S: specific
M: measurable
A: attainable
R: realistic
T: time-oriented

For example: I will eat a piece of fruit at breakfast everyday for one week.

Once you have achieved this simple goal, you can expand upon it to make it more of a lifestyle habit (ex. I will eat a piece of fruit everyday at breakfast).

Small changes can make a big difference. By making S.M.A.R.T. goals you can reach your ultimate goal!

Here’s to a Healthy, Happy New Year!


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