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Nutrition Blogger Spotlight: Julie of RDelicious Kitchen

This month’s Nutrition Blogger Spotlight features supermarket dietitian, Julie, who blogs at RDelicious Kitchen. Read on to learn more about her!

Hey, hey friends! It’s May already (can’t believe it) and I’ve enjoyed kicking off the past few months with a Nutrition Blogger Spotlight. Fellow nutrition blogger, Julie of RDelicious Kitchen was sweet enough to answer some questions this month. I hope you’ll hop over to her blog after reading this post for her delicious & creative recipes!

Julie and I met at Blog Brûlée, a weekend conference for healthy food bloggers, in 2014. I didn’t know it at the time, but Julie went to culinary school and then became a Registered Dietitian. So cool! Now she works as a supermarket RD helping people make smarter choices in the grocery store.

I appreciate Julie’s philosophy on healthy eating and agree that more of us should focus on “food positives”. Julie has also authored a cookbook for the Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts. A few of my favorite recipes from Julie’s blog include this Flank Steak with Creamy Chimichurri (who doesn’t love a good chimichurri?!), this Savory “Cheesy” Popcorn, and her Avocado Waffle Toast.

Savory “Cheesy” Popcorn from RDelicious Kitchen

What inspired you to start your food blog?
I went to culinary school and I love creating new recipes. It mainly started as a way to share my recipes with my friends and family (who were always asking me for the recipes I make for them!), but it has now turned into so much more!

I started my blog during my dietetic internship. I’ve always had a passion for nutrition more on the food/culinary side and I love educating others about nutrition through food. This was my fun creative outlet to do so and it has continued on ever since!

What is your philosophy on healthy eating?
All foods fit! I believe that no foods are off limits and love to teach others how to incorporate the foods they love in a healthy, balanced way.

I really like to focus on “food positives”. The media always likes to point of the negatives of particular foods or food groups. Food is fuel and each food provides us different nutrition. It goes back to what I previous stated that it all comes down to the proper balance of these foods.

I always like to note that [tweet_dis]healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring or tasteless[/tweet_dis]. Add variety, get creative in the kitchen, try new foods and recipes – there is the word “delicious” in the name of my blog for a reason 😉

What’s one nutrition myth you wish would disappear from the Earth immediately?
There are so many wacky things I hear from customers day to day at work about the latest nutrition myth or diet craze, but this one has been popping up a lot and it drives me crazy! “I can’t eat fruit because it has too much sugar”

Sweets or savories?
I do have a sweet tooth! I have a little piece of dark chocolate almost every night after dinner. I’m a big believer in not restricting any foods, because it always backfires and you just crave it more!

What items do you always keep stocked in your refrigerator?
You can always find yogurt, a variety of fruit (the ones always there are apples and oranges), plenty of veggies (spinach, broccoli, string beans, mushrooms, swiss chard, etc.), kefir (for my overnight oats!), and leftovers! I spend usually one day on the weekend meal prepping to savetime during the crazy work week.

What’s your most used kitchen appliance?
I would have to say my blender and mini food processor. They can be such a time saver in the kitchen. I’ve used my blender to make pancake or waffle batter really quickly or throw together fresh herbs, garlic, olive oil, and nuts/seeds to make a quick pesto.

What is one thing on your bucket list to do that’s not related to your career?
I love animals and travel – so this bucket list item combines both. My boyfriend and I like to visit zoos throughout our travels and we have a list of all the places and zoos we want to see. Our top place we eventually want to go is Australia (and pet a kangaroo)!

[bctt tweet=”Get to know Julie of @RD_kitchen in this month’s Nutrition Blogger Spotlight #rdchat #nutrition ” username=”KarmanRD”]

Thank you, Julie, for sharing a bit about yourself in the Nutrition Blogger Spotlight! I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Julie and will visit her on her blog. Have a great week 🙂

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