Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies Cookbook Review

With 100+ recipes, Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies is the ultimate guide to making delicious smoothies at home!
Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies

Are you a smoothie fanatic? If you need some new inspiration for making smoothies at home, Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies from fellow dietitian and cookbook author, Dana Angelo White, is a must-have book. Read on to the end of the post for a chance to win a copy of the book!

Smoothies can be a great way to add in additional fruits or vegetables during the day. Add a source of protein like nut butter, tofu or protein powder and you can have a balanced, nutritious snack ready in under 5 minutes. I’ve always preferred smoothies over juices because they contain more fiber (hello, gut health!) and therefore feel more satisfying.

You’ll find over 100 recipes for smoothies that use 5 ingredients or fewer in the book along with tips for creating better smoothies at home while saving on $$.

[bctt tweet=”If you love smoothies, you’ve got to check out this cookbook from @DWNutrition with 100 recipes! ” username=”KarmanRD”]

Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies

Tart Cherry Shake with Vanilla

There are so many great smoothie recipes in the book, it was hard to decide which one to try first. Since I’ve been pretty focused on sleep-promoting foods while writing my book,Β I thought it would be fun to share a recipe from Dana’s book that offers sleep benefits!

Her Tart Cherry Shake with Vanilla takes only 3 ingredients to make and contains 267 calories, 4 grams of fiber, and 17 grams of protein. Tart cherry juice has been researched for its ability to improve sleep (read more here) and tart cherries are known to help fight inflammation. In the book, Dana recommends to consume this shake within 60 minutes of exercise for the best chances of reducing inflammation post-exercise and this shake will provide your body with the protein and carbohydrates it needs after a workout. The shake is not overly sweet and I love anything with cherries so I’ll be making it again!

Β |Book Giveaway|

Now it’s time for one lucky person to win a copy ofΒ Healthy, Quick & Easy Smoothies!Β Use the form below to enter multiple times and increase your chances of winning. A winner will be selected on February 25th and notified by email.

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