Gingered Wheatgrass Tea

This Gingered Wheatgrass Tea is a simple warming and nutritious beverage to enjoy at any time of day. 

Gingered Wheatgrass Tea

It’s Recipe Redux time! I’ve missed out on the past two Redux challenges, but this month the RR crew is breaking out the cocktail shakers, blenders, and favorite glassware to celebrate the wide world of beverages.

Rummaging through my cabinets for inspiration, I remembered the wheatgrass powder I purchased at Whole Foods awhile ago. I didn’t buy it for any certain purpose, I just loved the beautiful green color and figured I could find something to do with it at some point. Many people often add fresh or powdered wheatgrass to juices or smoothies or just take a shot of it by itself. When whisked into hot water with a bit of ginger syrup, it’s a soothing, earthy, good-for-you hot beverage. And thus, you have Wheatgrass Tea. It’s just that simple. If you like matcha tea, you will probably enjoy wheatgrass tea as well.

Gingered Wheatgrass Tea

Wheatgrass contains a concentrated amount of nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and the super-duper antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E, which are important for the immune system and so much more. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is one of the main reasons people choose to add it into their diets, believing that the nutrient will help with improve blood oxygenation and relieve arthritis, but much more research is needed on the actual health benefits.

If you want to make a vegan version of this recipe, use agave nectar instead of honey as a sweetener and reduce the amount by half.

Equipment you’ll need to make this recipe: 

Gingered Wheatgrass Tea

Yield: 1 serving

Gingered Wheatgrass Tea


1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1 tablespoon honey

1/4 tsp. Wheatgrass powder

8 oz. boiling water

1. In a small bowl, whisk together ginger powder and honey to make a syrup.
2. In a coffee mug, add wheatgrass powder, then add boiling water. Mix in ginger syrup to desired taste.


If using agave nectar, use only 2 teaspoons.

Looking for more tea recipes? Try one of these!

Made this recipe


Images in this post updated June 29th, 2020


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  1. Now I came to know that wheat grass fresh or powder can be used in tea which is health benificial tks.

  2. Thankyou! I have been searching up and down, left and right on the internet, trying to figure out if it’s kosher to mix wheat grass into tea! This article is wonderful to find and reasurring, as it’s the first article that I’ve found anywhere that relates this powder to tea. I am an avid tea drinker! Thanks again! 😀

  3. What a unique idea to add wheatgrass powder to a tea! I’m always so hesitant to add wheatgrass powder to things for fear that it will taste too “grassy”. But with the right mixture of ginger and agave, this looks like it would all balance out into a delicious tasting drink!